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> Kid Icarus Uprising Wallpaper and screenshot
Kid Icarus Uprising Wallpaper and screenshot
Kid Icarus: Uprising, known in Japan as Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami
Kid Icarus Uprising Wallpaper and screenshot
The plot of Kid Icarus: Uprising follows the angelic protagonist, Pit, as he battles against the forces of a reborn Medusa who seeks to destroy mankind. With the help of Palutena, the Goddess of Light, Pit gains the "Power of Flight" to travel the skies and fight the Underworld Army
Kid Icarus: Uprising is developed by Nintendo's Project Sora development studio and built specifically for the Nintendo 3DS. The game retains Pit and Palutena's new looks as introduced in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
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